Necrons 1848
HQ: 320Destroyer Lord: 160
-Sempiternal Weave, Mindshackle Scarabs
Destroyer Lord: 160
-Sempiternal Weave, Mindshackle Scarabs
TROOPs: 838
(2x) 8 Warriors: 219ea (438)
-Ghost Ark
10 Tesla Immortals: 270
10 Warriors: 130
FAST: 420
5x Wraiths: 210
-3 Whipcoils
-Particle caster
5x Wraiths: 210
-3 Whipcoils
-Particle caster
HEAVY: 270
(3x) Annihilation Barge: 90ea (270)
The Premise of this list is pretty simple. It's essentially just pushing my basic list to a new extreme and moving it into a much more assault heavy list. Every list I write begins with taking three Annihilation Barges, they are my bread and butter units and the best land to air choice in terms of flexibility and mobility. Next up we've got the wraith units, I've found that I typically want 3 whipcoils in each of my units, I buy particle casters as needed to spend the last few point I have left over. Since I have a second unit of wraiths I want a second destroyer lord to lead them since he is an amazing force multiplier, he acts as a great tank as I position the wraiths in to get into close combat, and once they are there he adds a huge boost to their offensive power by providing preferred enemy. Finally we come to troops, the units of warriors in arks are there because they are very tough to bring down and they help take some anti-tank heat off the Annihilation barges. Next we have the Tesla immortals in a scythe, the scythe is here for anti air and so I can get a troop unit onto the other side of the board in a hurry if I need to play more aggressively. Honestly I would prefer to bring a bastion for anti air due to armor saturation, every strength 6 gun is going to be pointing at my scythe the second it comes on the board and I really don't expect it to survive it's first turn. A bastion on the other hand would be my 6th AV 13+ unit and would cause my opponent to redirect even more heavy firepower away from my other, more important units. Alas, I won't have time to purchase, and convert a monolith to become a bastion before the tournament but I most certainly plan on picking one up before the next big function. Finally we have the foot warriors. The way the points worked out I just couldn't squeeze in a transport for them, I feel they are the weakest link in my army, and in a perfect world this would be the unit manning the bastion. As it stands they are gonna be my go to objective camping unit, and the hope is that they will draw just a little bit of firepower away from the wraiths, which I will be able to easily recoup whatever losses I may face via ghost ark reanimation.
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